For our Wisdom Wednesday this week we are going to post E's gift to his Mamma Bear (PB's mom).
Some background:
We were out planting our onion sets and realized I had purchased far more than we could plant in the little area we had set aside. "Hmmm, Ethan what could we do?". He said "I know! Mama Bear has a birthday coming up- let's give her some!". Well, that quickly morphed into more seeds as a gift since we figured she would want more than just onions.
Then we decided to make origami envelops (one of E's favorite things is origami) to put them in. We consulted our companion planting guide to see what grew well with it and Voila! found that broccoli, lettuce, parsley, tomatoes and cucumbers do well. We have cucumbers already started, but as we wintersowed our tomato seeds and they haven't sprouted yet (which is good b/c there is some snow still forecast in the next week or two) we thought we'd make a lil gift up for her. E also included basil, cilantro in the mix. I'm not sure she will have enough room to stick it all in her flower beds, but she just may.
We used regular (very cute by the way) stationary to make the envelopes. E wanted to provide you with a picture step by step guide so here it is:
If you have origami paper you can skip the first couple of steps:
Step One: Make the paper the right size....
Step Two: Fold, crease and open
Step Three: Fold corner and fold again
Step 4 fold the left then the right corners (it looks opposite since I was taking pics):
Step Five: Make Diamond Shape
Step Six: Glue
Step Seven: Fold down Flap
After E made the envelopes we added the names of what seeds he was giving:
We made the onion set bag by using a small paper bag and name tag:
We decorated our cucumber start:
We made planting instructions- which should be planted now as they are cool weather crops and which should be planted when it gets warm and put them in an envelope. We also got an envelope together to put our seed envelopes in (we may or may not do this in the end- depends if we find a basket to put them in or not). Once the glue dries we will put the seeds in and assemble, but it already looks super cute!
Hopefully this gave you some inspiration for future gift giving. We are thinking of making these into Mother's Day gifts (with a few more starts). :)
-Mom -N- E